New Accreditation Information
(for students who have previously graduated from ISARPAC)
Requirements for earlier ISARPAC graduates who want to acquire a *Bachelor or Masters Degree because of the accreditation via IATA.
*IPSICC offers master level accreditation through IATA (International Association for Theological Accreditation) which is the Leading Accrediting Agency for Theological Colleges/Seminaries/Counseling Centers around the world (not university masters level in Denmark)
REQUIREMENTS for Bachelor of Psychotherapy:
The requirements of acquiring the degree of *Bachelor of Psychotherapy:
(for those who previously finished ISARPAC will have to fulfill the following requirements)
- Since graduation 100 client counseling hours per year
- Between 5 and 10 supervision hours per year since they graduated
- Attend 2-3 days relevant conferences about psychotherapy per year
- Attend the IPSICC Narrative module.
- A Case study of 8000 words
REQUIREMENTS for *Masters of Psychotherapy:
If you wish to continue to acquire the degree of Master of Psychotherapy you will need to:
- Attend the IPSICC Winter DBT and SE (Somatic Experience Intro) and the Sensorimotor modules modules
- Write an Assignment for Master level (24000 words)
- Complete an external oral exam.
*IPSICC offers master level accreditation through IATA (International Association for Theological Accreditation) which is the Leading Accrediting Agency for Theological Colleges/Seminaries/Counseling Centers around the world (not university masters level in Denmark)