Here below are the links to the school program
ISPICC Assignments and Exams
- First Year: Romans and Galatians Study Questions, 3500 words
- Second Year: Assignment – choose one of the overall educational topics for example: Family, Children, Sexual Abuse, Self-Care, PTSD and Dissociation. You’ll have to include different aspects from what you have already learned (from teaching and your studies), your own life experiences, own therapy process + Powerful Peace, 8000 words
- Third Year: Assignment and case study together, Bachelor level, 16000 words
- Fourth Year: Assignment + case study, Masters level, 24000 words. – Double line spacing, font size 12
- One lecturer evaluates the Romans and Galatians assignment in the first year.
- Two lecturers evaluate the written assignment in the second year
- A lecturer and external examiner evaluate the Bachelor assignment in the third year
- A lecturer and external examiner evaluate Masters assignment in the fourth year
- The written work must be admitted 2 months before the summer school starts.
- Once a year the students’ therapeutic competency will be evaluated. Based on the bimonthly reports of the year, the written work, the external individual therapy and the external supervision a personal talk takes place with the contact person/lecturer, who will after this send personal talk, send a written report to Dr. Vibeke Møller.
- The administered exams are graded according to the international grading system. The grade 4 is the passing level.
The oral case exam
A. Each student will receive a case the evening before the evaluation, so that the student has time to prepare.
B. At the evaluation, the student will present the case.
C: During all the years, the students will practice before the evaluation how to work with/on a case alone.
D: In the bachelor and master oral case exam, the students will work alone on the exam case and must not discuss the case with others.
International Baccalaureate
very poor, not good enough
Poor, more work needed, rework
5 -10
11 -15
Satisfactory, competent work
16 -20
Good, sound careful work, no major weaknesses
21 – 25
Excellent, discerning, perceptive evaluative
26 – 30
Outstanding, original, creative work
31 -35
If the final Bachelor or Masters assignment is rejected the student must present a new assignment (or part of it) within three to six months. It can be done twice.
If the oral exam is failed it must be taken again, also within three months. It can be done twice. The re-examination can be taken via Skype.
Every student must fill out a logbook anonymously about clients.