Find out what it takes to join this school
IPSICC Admission Criteria
Applicants must have a relevant long education (University/5 years, 240 ECTS points) or a semi long of at least 3 years (180 ECTS points) and at least 3 years of practice after the education or 5 years when admitted under dispensation, or any other relevant experience of practice. Other relevant work experience might be teaching, handicap helper, social work, health work and human resources.
The profile of applicants must be one of being able to organize, prioritize and study independently 6-8 hours on a weekly basis. This is necessary to fulfill the program and to acquire the knowledge and the skills in this area.
There are three ways to be admitted to IPSICC
1) Secondary Education degree
- A long or medium secondary education (University/5 years – 240 ECTS points – or a semi long of at least 3 years – 180 ECTS points) of a psychological, pedagogical, social or health education, such as teacher, educator, nurse, social worker, physician, psychologist, or physiotherapist. An education such as a priest is very relevant.
- Professional experience in your primary education field corresponding to at least three years’ full-time work.
2) If you have another education
- If your education is not a psychological, pedagogical, social or health education, it is possible to be admitted if the criteria below are fulfilled:
- • A long or medium higher education, e.g. a Masters degree or a professional bachelor.
- • Professional experience corresponding to at least three years of full-time work within a job of interpersonal contact.
3) Admission via special dispensation
If your education is not a psychological, pedagogical, social or health education, at a bachelor’s or bachelor’s degree, you can have a possibility for dispensation.
It requires you to have:
- An education of at least three years duration after your primary school education
- Five years of professional experience, comparable to a certain level of education, from a paid full-time job with interpersonal contact.
- An interview with the School Director or the Educational Director.
Auditing Admission Criteria:
Admission will be given after an interview with the school director.
New Accreditation Information
(for students who have previously graduated from ISARPAC)
Requirements for earlier ISARPAC graduates who want to acquire a Bachelor or Masters Degree because of the accreditation via IATA.
REQUIREMENTS for *Bachelor of Psychotherapy:
The requirements of acquiring the degree of Bachelor of Psychotherapy:
(for those who previously finished ISARPAC will have to fulfill the following requirements)
- Since graduation 100 client counseling hours per year
- Between 5 and 10 supervision hours per year since they graduated
- Attend 2-3 days relevant conferences about psychotherapy per year
- Attend the IPSICC Narrative module.
- A case study of 8000 words
REQUIREMENTS for *Masters of Psychotherapy:
If you wish to continue to acquire the degree of Master of Psychotherapy you will need to:
- Attend the IPSICC Winter DBT, SE and Sensorimotor psychotherapy modules
- Write an Assignment for Master level
- Complete an external oral exam.
For more information contact or Marian:
Only the IPSICC level allows you to be certified in Denmark.
Students who become ill during the education, get pregnant etc., can extend their studies one more year, either split up in small intervals or one whole school year. Under special circumstances the students can extend their studies over 6 years.
Credit for other training
Unfortunately, because of the unique integration of theoretical and theological dimensions we cannot offer credit for other training.
For all applicants: Fill out the application form and send it to the school with enclosed documentation: CV, exam, courses, seminars, work contracts, recommendation.
All applicants will receive a letter with grounds relating to either admission or no admission.
Documentation of knowledge of relevant psychological or therapeutic theories
- certificates of participation from courses and seminars of educational and/ or psychological /therapeutic content
- a brief account of relevant psychological or therapeutic theories within your work experience
*IPSICC offers master level accreditation through IATA (International Association for Theological Accreditation) which is the Leading Accrediting Agency for Theological Colleges/Seminaries/Counseling Centers around the world (not university masters level in Denmark)