Here are different resources articles from our staff and lecturers at IPSICC
Long-term sequelae of sexual abuse – by Dr. Vibeke Møller
Long term sequelae – The physical consequences of sexual abuse in childhood and youth
By Vibeke Møller, doctor and psychotherapist MPF
About the article: Danish Parliamentary Hearing about the long-term sequelae of sexual abuse in childhood and youth.
Mindfulness – What is it? – by Dr. Vibeke Møller
About the article: Mindfulness is used all over in psychotherapy today. What is it, and can there be elements of it that are useful despite it’s Budhist roots? How is it like ‘Powerful Peace’ and how can we incorporate it as therapists – By Vibeke Møller, doctor and psychotherapist MPF
The Body Belongs – by Eric Spady
The Body Belongs is an short article that one of our lectures and board members, Eric Spady wrote in a recent IPSICC newsletter. I deals with why we have left the body out in modern therapy and why it is so important to bring it back in working with trauma.
Why is Powerful Peace so powerful? – by Eric Spady
What makes the concept of Powerful Peace so peace. It is one of the major spiritial tools we teach and use in the school. Why does it work, and wow does if effect a traumatized person? Find out more…